SIM registration FAQs

SIM registration FAQs

The following valid documentation is needed

(a) Valid Namibian ID/ Passport/ Voters Card.
(b) Proof of ownership of your SIM card or police declaration.
(c) Married Individuals registered in their maiden name must present their marriage certificate and ID.
(e) Proof of residential address or a letter from nearby school, church, constituency councilor, police declaration.
(a) At any MTC Mobile Home or Enrolment Centre/Mobile Van in your area.
(b) MTC is doing roadshows around the country.
(c) We will announce weekly where the registrations points will be held. Stay alert for our announcement when we will be in your area.
The regulators have announced that mandatory registration will start from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
(a) SIMs that have not been registered in accordance with these new directives and guidelines will be cut off and removed from the networks.
(a) Secure your SIM and stay connected.
(b) To develop and build a SIM database with integrity, boosting confidence and security for the use of services dependent on the communications network.
(c) To curb fraudulent and criminal activities.
(d) Secure SIM Card based transactions.
(e) To help determine at every point in time the accurate number of valid and accurate SIMs on the networks.
(f) The exercise will enable us to build better demographics of our customer base and help us develop products and services to suit the various groupings.
(g) The Regulator will also depend on the statistics generated by the data to regulate the industry even better.
(h) Registration will enhance economic growth and gradually formalize the informal sector as people will now be able to access E-Government services and other private e-services. In addition, the SIM Registration will also support financial inclusion across the vulnerable sectors.
(a) No, you will not require new SIM Cards
(a) As long as you keep the SIM card active by making a chargeable event, it is yours.
(b) SIM Cards that are inactive for over a period of 60 days will be churned as per laid down policies.
(c) This also applies to Resident Foreign Nationals who have registered their SIM Cards with a Non-Namibian ID or documentation.
(a) The SIM Registration exercise will not result in a change of numbers. You will still be using your same numbers
(a) Inactive SIM Cards are churned for re-use after 180 days.
(b) When the number is available again after 180 days, it will be an unregistered number and will not belong to anybody.
(a) The Government has noted that as a result of the pandemic, more and more younger people are using connected devices for their online educational activities. To accommodate this, and in cognizance of the importance of communications services, the age for owning a SIM Card is set at 18 years.
(a) For people younger than 18 years of age, it will be necessary for them to have a parent register for them. The adult should be a parent or guardian of the individual who is less than 18 years of age.
(b) SIM card must be registered in both the minor and guardian/parent’s name.
(c) Again, we caution everyone to ensure that they do not use their Namibian ID, Business document or Passport to register a SIM Card for unknown people as you will be held responsible if the SIM is found to have committed fraudulent activities.
(a) The loss of a loved one always creates the need to continue communicating with regards to their friends or business partners.
(b) When such a situation occurs, subscribers are advised to submit the Letters of Administration for the estate of the deceased and the SIM Card will then be registered accordingly. Where the subscriber’s name is not on the Letters of Administration, they will need the person(s) designated in the Letters of Administration to write an Authority Letter to MTC requesting them to register the SIM Card in the name of the one who want to keep on using the SIM Card.
(c) In a Business environment, the Business can easily request MTC to link the SIM Card to the ID of another Listed Director.
(a) We are hopeful that with each SIM connected to a valid ID, Business Registration Certificate or foreign Passport, the perpetrators of these fraud will no longer have any hiding place and will be forced to stop the fraudulent activities.
(b) This is possible as fraudsters will be identified with their mobile numbers because each subscriber’s mobile number is tied to his or her ID card/ Passport details.
(a) If you have any SIM being used in a device for services including internet/data/mifi services, please note that the mode of registration will be like that of the new SIM Registration.
(b) Take all your numbers with to the nearest MTC Mobile Home for registration.
(a) Individuals can contact us via WhatsApp +264 811 500 100 to check if their SIM card are registered.
(a) Existing subscribers will not be required to pay for registering your SIM Card. Please do not pay money to any Sales Agent/Registration Officer or vendor who asks for money to register your SIM Card. Also report any Sales Agent/Registration Officer or anybody who asks for payment before registering your SIM Card to MTC at +264 811 500 100.
(b) New Subscribers will only be required to pay for the cost of the SIM Cards and not for the cost of the Registration.
(a) No. The registration will not affect the tariffs for communication services.